Most of the people in Kukurah are very weak financially, having small piece of land and depending on traditional methods of harvesting. The average income of these peoples is hand to mouth. The big sizes of the families also causes the conditions to become worse. The average literacy rate in the area is 68.12%. Literacy rate among girls is very poor compared to the boys. This is because of the cultural mentality of the society which gives boys on priority over the girls. Parents often don’t bother thinking about the education of their children, hence many of the children are not enrolled in the school, or they are dropouts from the public schools.

In this area Glocal Aid decided to start up a new school in 2018. Partnering with a local church, we have made space for the children of Kukurah to get education. This report is from the very beginning of this new initiative. A total of 11 people was hired at the school in April, and when the school opened the maximum of 100 students was quickly reached. We see the potential of a flourishing and empowering school in this area and aim to develop and grow the school in years to come.

Books, uniforms, and schoolbags have been given to the children and they are so excited. We have 56 children in nursery, 30 in Lower Kindergarden and 14 in Upper Kindergarden. Purposely we have aimed for the younger children, as we believe in building a good foundation from a young age. The main curriculum for the classes is Math, Hindi, English, Drawing and General Knowledge. During the last gettogether with the parents, they expressed how their children are now learning very good and they are very happy.