The school year of 2023 has been without any complications or hindrances, but instead filled with gladness and learning. The pupils do very well in national tests, and our school is very popular in the local area. We have children from all walks of life/castes. Here everyone gets equal opportunities for a good education at a private English school (something that is very sought after in India). The children attend every day in their school uniforms, with books and packed lunches from home. We see this as helping to break down the class divide and grading of people, which is very common in India. Many are picked up by our school buses, and they receive lessons and a meal before heading back home.

After a formidable celebration with the opening of the Grace Health Clinic in November, Dr. Maria Handeland moved to India in January.
She started with health examinations of all our school pupils. Sight, hearing, weight/height, vaccinations etc. are checked, and complaints or symptoms are now initially followed up by local doctors. Worm cures have been handed out, and many pupils have had an easier everyday life. Poor dental health is a big challenge for many of the children, and we now get help from a dentist who makes the discomfort and pain less for the little ones.
It is absolutely fantastic to see how quickly the clinic has become functional. A big thank you to Dr. Maria, who, together with many skilled employees, is building a work that we believe will be a great blessing for the Dooars area.
A health camp and an eye camp have been held in May. Indian doctors, with different skills, came to the clinic and worked as volunteers. We are incredibly grateful for this collaboration. The good quality of health care meant that many people received help.