The wet monsoon season has come bringing hope and expectations for the harvest to come. The rain and decreasing temperature is a great relief from the harsh summer reaching temperatures up to 45 degrees. Most of the kids are from rural areas, and thus easily exposed to the sickness and diseases the monsoon also brings. The teachers are working hard on making sure that none of the kids fall behind, specially as the First Semester Tests are approaching in the end of September. These tests last a whole week and give us the opportunity to both evaluate the kids but also the teachers. Though disliked by most of the kids, they are an important self-evaluation of the school. Kids coming from remote and rural areas have attended little to none public school before hand, and these require extra attention from the teachers to have them keep up with their classmates. But it was the sole motive and vision of the Founder Mentor of Ebenezer school to give these kids the opportunity of education. The other, and even more important objective is to keep the flame of the Christian faith burning in the city of Karwi. The task seems daunting at times, but brings us great happiness and joy too. In August and September, the school have also celebrated Independence day, the festival of Raksha Bandhan, and Teacher’s day, all filled with enthusiasm from the kids and a lesson to be learned.
India attained independence from British rule the 15th of August 1947. This day is celebrated every year throughout the country. Because it takes place during the monsoon, it is hard to arrange activities outside. This year though, having the sky clearing a bit, we decided to have a parade in the nearby area. The kids practiced playing a variety of instruments the week before, and met in large numbers full of enthusiasm. The school band played and the kids were shouting slogans and waving the Indian flag. In the city square the parade was met by the present Member of Parliament Mr R. K. Patel who was overwhelmed by the energy expressed by these little kids. Back in the school yard, the flag was raised and the national anthem sung, followed by a performances of different kinds and sweets. This day indeed increases the spirit of patriotism in the lives of these little children.

This year the festival of Raksha Bandhan fell on the same day as the Independence day, and was thus celebrated the day before. In India, a thread is tied to the wrist on several occasion; when going to the temple to worship, on the bride and groom as a vow to not break «the thread of faith», and friendship band as a bond of friendship. On Raksha Bandhan a sister will tie a thread on the wrist of her brother making him vow that he will protect her in times of trouble. At the school, we are blessed with a lot of brothers and sisters, and decided to celebrate this day to strengthen these bonds. The kids were taught that it is not only important to be kind to their siblings, but to all kids in the school being a part of the Ebenezer family.

Teachers’ day is celebrated the 5th of September, a day of respect and gratitude shown by pupils towards the teachers. In India teachers are considered to be next to the gods as they bring the light of knowledge and the right way to live. The Headmaster of the school explained that respect also is shown through cleanliness and thus the classrooms were properly cleaned and decorated. Some kids brought cakes to their teachers, and others brought small gifts. The Headmaster inspects the cleaning and decorations, and the best classroom is rewarded. The excitement and enthusiasm in the children brings us great joy and satisfaction.

1. Saloni Devi and Ansh Kumar :
S.No. Name of Student Age Class
1. Saloni Devi 10 Years 4th
2. Ansh Kumar 6 Years 1st
Salon Devi and Ansh Kumar are children of a poor laborer working in a Saree factory. The kids live with their mom and grandparents as the father cannot afford a house on their own. The father only visits the family during the Holi festival or the Deepawali season. He came to know of the school by passing and advertisement in the market one day. He visited the school on the way back. He was first reluctant to send his girl to the school too, but after the staff explained that girls are equally important as boys, he decided to send them both. He and his family are very happy with being a part of Ebenezer school.
2. Komal Singh and Anmol Kumar :
S.No. Name of Student Age Class
1. Komal Singh 7 Years 2nd
2. Anmol Kumar 5 Years L.K.G.
Komal Singh and Anmol Kumar are sons ofMr. Rakesh Singh. He works in a grocery shop in Karwi. He got to hear about the school and benefit program when a teaching staff visited the store. He overheard the staff telling of the program to another customer, and decided he wanted to get his children enrolled. But he first thought the sponsorship program was only offered to a few selected people. On a «Door to door»-campaign the teaching staff also visited his home, and that day he happened to stay at home as he was not feeling well. The staff explained that the program was open for all, so he enrolled the children the following day. He is very satisfied with the progress of his kids in the fields of education, sports and related activities.