The Teaching Staff at Ebenezer have worked with the same enthusiasm and zeal as they have been in the past year. Yes, the challenges were manyfold in the previous year, but they have been determined to upbring the little children not only educationally but also socially.
It is made possible each year by the support of Glocal Aid that all the children at Ebenezer School Karwi are provided with warm clothing / uniforms so that they can even attend school when the temperatures drop to nearly freezing. Therefore, as the weather was now slowly turning cooler by the day, the Headmaster felt the necessity to provide to the children the Winter Uniforms to the school children. The uniform consists of a woolen cardigan, trousers, shoes and socks. All the children were full of smiles and were thankful from the bottom of their hearts to you loving people for all your love and concern shown towards them.

After the Winter vacations were over a competition was held at the school campus. Everyone was excited and eager to appear in it. There were some 100 questions that needed to be answered and a time of 1.5 hours for all the children, except those in the smaller classes who were given fewer questions. All the children sat at their respective seats and carefully read and attempted to answer the questions on the sheets. After the time was over, all the answer sheets were collected together and the task of evaluation began. Now all eyes were eagerly awaiting the announcement of results. Once all was ready, all the children were gathered in the school's field. The school had arranged the children into three groups according to the complexity of the questions asked. After receiving their prizes the children were very happy and those who could not get any were encouraged to study even harder next time so as to achieve this gift.

Anuj Kumar is the son of Mr. Parsu Ram. He is a farmer living in a village near the town of Karwi. He came to hear about the Sponsorship Program by Glocal Aid at Ebenezer School seeing an advertisement displayed along the road one day. He was very glad to get his sons enrolled into this program and immediately the following day visited the school. At the time of admission, his children were very weak in studies as with little or no care at the Public run schools. He enrolled them with hope and belief that if not excellent, at least a substantial improvement will occur in his children at Ebenezer School.
He was in no way disappointed after the first year that his children were at the school, and he was very happy at their improvement in studies and the way that now they could read and write. He was therefore quick to recommend sending other children to school from his neighbourhood.