Due to the love and support from Glocal Aid, the teachers andstaff at Ebenezer school have been receiving financial support during the pandemic. They have been active with several door to door-visitsto all the 500 children in the school. This was done to check on how they are doing and to inform them about online-classes. Asmany of the parents have had to leave their job, more than half of the familiesstruggle to provide for even two meals a day. Also, because many of the families are from rural areas, internet connection is poor. Online classes is not a good option, but it is the onlyoption there is so far. Hopefully this pandemic will pass soon so we can getback to normal.
Independence day and teachers day

15th of August is the celebrationof Independence. But with the school closed this year, the school staff had asmall celebration by themselves. They decided to do that with a «Save the earth- go green»-campaign planting trees in and around the school area. Also, Teachers day the 5th of September, had to be celebrated without the joy andexcitement from the kids. To honor the hard work of the school staff andteachers during the Covid-19 pandemic, everyone involved with the school inthis period received a small gift. This was a gold plated cup given on behalf of our loving and caring supporters.
Story: Awedhesh Yadav and Naresh Yadav
Awedhesh Yadav and Naresh Yadav are brothers, 13 and 14years old but both in 7th grade. Their father Mr.Heera Lall is a poor farmer who also does a part time work in a printing pressin the town of Karwi. He earns a very low income and finds it difficult to runhis family. He came to hear of this wonderful Benefit Program supportedby Glocal Aid by the visit of the school staff to his home one day. Atfirst he was reluctant, but when explained about the benefits of good educationand the prospects of a bright future, he seemed willing. He came to the school the next day and talked with theHeadmaster of the school and both sons were enrolled. Now, with a year at the school, he is a very happy and asatisfied man. During the Parents andTeachers Meetings held at the school, he provided positive feedback forboth his children and was satisfied with the progress of his children. His children are doing well at the school but thissession due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, they have been unable to attend classesat the school. But they have been actively involved in the online Classes that the school is conducting for all those whohave an Android phone and good accessto the Internet.
Story: RoshniMansoorie and Waris Mansoorie

Roshni Mansoorie (11 years old) and Waris Mansoorie (5 years old) both belong to one family and hail from the village of Shakehpurva which is situated some 2 kilometers fromthe school. Their father owns and runs an E-Rickshaw and earns his income from taxidriving. He came to hear about this wonderful Benefit Programsupported by Glocal Aid from one of his customers one day. Then, he did not payattention to this talk, but when theschool staff visited his home one day and explained to him the benefits of goodeducation and a good future for the children,he agreed to get his children enrolled.
He visited the school campus the very next day andenrolled both his children into the school. His children were also very excitedright from the very first day as they each received a backpack, text books,exercise books and school uniforms from the Headmaster.
Now with over a year of schooling, their father is a very happyand a satisfied man especially with the progress of his children in the fieldof education. This year , though with the spread of the Covid-19 Pandemic, things are different and with educational activity only being done throughthe online classes method, everything has changed and things are very much different this session.