As we see September on the calendar, now children are returning to school with all the necessary precautions. They are reuniting with their teachers and friends after months and months of homeschooling and online classes. The joy is overwhelming for everyone.

The first day of school was August 16th. We are following all the guidelines given by the government of India. The students were excited about being in school and getting back to normal day-to-day life. According to our teachers, “students are being very attentive in all the classes”.
Uniforms and school bags were distributed to all the students. We also got 39 new admissions for the session of 2021-2022, so the school is packed with students. We are also planning to upgrade the curriculum for the school and help the students get fresh air and exercise in between the classes. We are hoping to invest in a playground area for this. The students have been responding positively to small improvements that we are trying to make in school.

Mrs. Jyoti Asthana (nursery teacher) says,
“Everything is going well. All our students are working hard and learning many more new things. All the students have been practicing poems with proper steps. For making learning easier we are applying few new methods for example learning by puzzles, games, singing, actions, etc.”
Over the past 5 months we have have been training the teachers to do a better job. A change can be seen in their communication skills, their English, and their vocabulary. Soon we will have a round of interviews to select the head of the teachers. We are hoping to build a better future together for the underprivileged children and give them the best chance we can to make a change in their lives and future.