2022 started with a few surprises. We had to keep the school closed for two months in the beginning of the semester due to the coronavirus. But, we managed to re-open the school in February. Since then, we have arranged various activities for our students to engage them to be more participating in school projects.

The teachers are learning and growing with thestudents. We have hired a trainer to equip our teachers with modern-day study patterns and teaching methods, which has proven to be very useful for the school. We are also looking to hire new teachers since the number of students and classes are growing.
The timetable is also being changed because we want the teachers to expand their horizons, come out of their zone, and practice the things that they are learning. New subjects are being added to all the classes, including Computer. Building a computer lab for the kids is one of our priorities, we want our students to be prepared for all that life has to offer.

New classes and an office have also beenbuilt; the building is almost ready. New CCTV cameras have been installed allaround and inside the school, for the safety of the students.
We have a few ideas that we are currentlyworking on. We are planning on changing the identification cards and reportcards. A house system is being added in the school, where each student will beassigned a house and that team will be a family to them, and they canparticipate in all the activities with their respective houses.
We are starting this new year with a lot ofexpectations and new ideas. Our teachers have been supportive, especially Jyoti Asthana who has been promoted to Headmaster. We hope that we can successfully implement all of our ideas.