Newsletter from
June 2020

School life and Covid-19

This spring school life was drastically changed by the covid-19 pandemic. In this newsletter you can read about how Ebenezer has handled the situation, which is still very intense in India.

Since March, the lockdown has put education andschool life to a virtual standstill. We were advancing towardsthe completion of this session 2019-2020 in March when the pandemic broughteverything to a halt. The children were not able to appear in their AnnualExaminations. Therefore the Government of India, and the State Government hasissued an order to promote all students to the next school level, regardless ofexams.

At Ebenezer School we are not equipped withfacilities and infrastructure to conduct online classes, hence the schoolchildren are losing out on important time. And since many of the childrenenrolled at Ebenezer School are from rural areas, the task becomes even morechallenging. The staff are doing well, and receiving salary still. We havea responsibility to take care of our staff and their family amidst this crisis,and Glocal Aid has done so.

As the school year ended in this manner, weare hoping and planning for a more normal startup of the next session in late July.This will be done according to governmental rules and guidance, and our principalNoel Bezaleel is monitoring the situation closely.

An unfortunate incident occured in April when a storm destroyed one of the walls of the school area. We are now working to fix it, and all extraordinary gifts for this purpose are welcome.

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